- Fisher information lower bounds for sampling, Sinho Chewi, Patrik Gerber, Holden Lee, and Chen Lu, 2022, [arxiv]
- The query complexity of sampling from strongly log-concave distributions in one dimension, Sinho Chewi, Patrik Gerber, Chen Lu, Thibaut Le Gouic, and Philippe Rigollet, 2021, [arxiv]
- Rejection sampling from shape-constrained distributions in sublinear time, Sinho Chewi, Patrik Gerber, Chen Lu, Thibaut Le Gouic, and Philippe Rigollet, 2021, [arxiv]
- Optimal dimension dependence of the Metropolis-Adjusted Langevin Algorithm, Sinho Chewi, Chen Lu,
Kwangjun Ahn, Xiang Cheng, Thibaut Le Gouic, and Philippe Rigollet, 2020, [arxiv] [COLT 2021]
- Contextual Stochastic Block Model: Sharp Thresholds and Contiguity, Chen Lu, and Subhabrata Sen, 2020, [arxiv]
- SVGD as a kernelized Wasserstein gradient flow of the chi-squared divergence, Sinho Chewi, Thibaut
Le Gouic, Chen Lu, Tyler Maunu, and Philippe Rigollet, 2020, [arxiv] [NeurIPS 2020]
- Exponential ergodicity of mirror-Langevin diffusions, Sinho Chewi, Thibaut Le Gouic, Chen Lu, Tyler
Maunu, Philippe Rigollet, and Austin Stromme, 2020, [arxiv] [NeurIPS 2020]
- Robust nonparametric difference-in-differences estimation, Chen Lu Xinkun Nie, and Stefan Wager, 2019, [arxiv]